Because they are fun!
Countryballs have been around us since 2009 and we just love them. There is no person on this planet who would think that a country represented by a cartoon globe with two eyes isn't cute. Even the scariest, biggest countries get nice and fluffy when drawn into a Countryball.
Because they are healthy!
Our Countryballs are not just for decoration. We like giving things value and for a souvenir what better usage can be than sports. You can play footbag games, relax your muscles or invent your own Countryball sport! All this with these lovely little globes!
Because they’re handmade!
All the world is industrialized nowadays. We are not against it, we just want to promote that handmade products have an added value. Our Countryballs are fully handmade and they are made of 90% recycled materials.